As per the latest IRATA documents,

IRATA Level 2 Technician is an experienced rope access technician who is able to perform more complex tasks under the supervision of a level 3 rope access safety supervisor. They are :

a) able to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required of level 1

b) capable of more complex rigging, including re-anchors, deviations and tensioned lines

c) able to undertake rescues from a variety of situations

d) able to assemble and implement hauling systems.

Pre Training Requirements for IRATA Level 2

To upgrade from level 1 to Level 2 technician

a) must hold valid and current IRATA certificate.

b) Candidates must have minimum of 1 year work experience and 1000 verified logged hours

c) candidates must be competent in all practical and theory requirements of Level 1 prior to the start of a Level 2 course.

if you wish to upgrade your certificate to Level 2 please contact us for further details.